F.W. Holler, Solingen with thermometer in oval TM. Nickel-plated hilt fittings show some speckling and lifting of plating to the pommel or crossguard with up-turned quillon. Pommel slot is complete with red felt plug and black grip plates are near perfect with one slight chip to obverse plate. The double etched blade grades EX showing some runner marks and speckling but no nicks to cutting edge, and is complete with brown leather buffer pad. The decorative etch consists of the standard remembrance motto (“Erinnerung an Meine Dienstzeit”: in memory of my service time) within a long flowing ribbon with oak leaf accents throughout the pattern. The ribbon also cites the owners service in Infantry Regiment Nr. 105. The reverse blade features an infantry artillery battle scene. Dent-free steel scabbard retains most of its original black enamel showing significant surface wear to obverse.