C.W. Engels, Solingen-Foche, cherub in flight holding an “S” TM. This pocketknife measuring 3 11/16” in length (folded) with two blades and a corkscrew was recently obtained in Germany. Black Bakelite grip plates are perfect with no cracks or chips, and features on the obverse plate, a raised floral motif surrounding a mounted trooper with trumpet above a central panel inscribed “Treu Kaiser und Reich” (Honor Emperor and Empire). The reverse plate features a raised floral motif surrounding a facsimile of Kaiser Wilhelm I above a facsimile of the Imperial Crown and Eagle with a central panel inscribed “Einig und gleich” (United and equal). The larger polished blade grades EX+ showing minor graying/sharpening, but no nicks to the cutting edge. Obverse blade is jeweler engraved in script letters, “Friedrich Nemelich” with the obverse ricasso stamped the Cherub in flight TM. The smaller polished blade grades EX+ showing minor graying, but no sharpening with the obverse ricasso stamped C.W. Engels Solingen-Gr. Corkscrew shows minor wear with the obverse ricasso stamped with a star. Nice personalized commemorative pocketknife.