An extremely rare Hitler Youth/SS Honor Bayonet has been added to our JRB&M inventory. A Similar HJ/SS Honor Bayonet is shown as a full size color photograph on page 154 of the excellent reference entitled German Clamshells and other Bayonets by Gary Walker and R.J. Weinand. The original owner’s initials “RS” appear on the hilt backstrap. The HJ motto “Blut und Ehre” surrounded by a beautiful floral border is etched on the obverse blade. We have a few of these honor bayonets pass through JRB&M over the years, but the condition usually leaves a lot to be desired. A Third Reich banner (red and white) with a superimposed swastika decorates the obverse pommel. The overall condition grades EX++. It will be quite some time before you see another one of these for sale!