Printed by the “Reichs” printing office and dated Berlin 1935. Exceptionally rare “DEINSTALTERLISTE DER SCHUTZSTAFFEL DER N.S.D.A.P. STAND VOM 1.JULI 1935: Rank list of the SS from the N.S.D.A.P. as of 1 July 1935. Bound book shows light wear and one “dent” to front lower right corner with pages showing NO rips or tears and NO staining and is complete. List includes all SS officers with rank of Reichsfuhrer Der SS (Himmler) through SS – Untersturmfuhrer. Also included are officers performing special duties and those that have retired/deceased. Each entry includes the officer’s unit of assignment, N.S.D.A.P. Party number, SS Number and whether or not he was the recipient of the 1922 Coburg Honor Award, Honor Award of 9 Nov 1923 (“Blood Order”) and the Death’s Head Ring. Important and historically important record for any collector/scholar of the Third Reich. EX++ (28882) SOLD