An incredible set of ribbons used as a saleman’s sample produced by “Feldhoff & Co. FELDHOFF LANGENBERG – RHEINLAND”. Set includes formal company letter from Feldhoff & Co to the Jac. Bengel Company in Idar-Oberstein offering a variety of ribbons for sale, delivery dates and quantities. Letter also mentions that Feldhoff & Co. is authorized by the Prasidialkanzlei of the Fuhrer and the Reichskanzler to manufacture and deal in the sale of ribbons for decorations. Also included is an official price list, an enclosure for ribbons and six period ribbons with attached paper inventory numbers. Ribbons consist of War Merit Cross, 1914/1918 Honor Cross, Eastern Front Medal, Czech Annexation, Iron Cross 2nd Class and Military Service. An amazingly preserved artifact offering a glimpse into the production/sales practices of the Third Reich medal/awards industry. Condition: MINT.